BluePoint Project Seeks Innovators: Transform Marine Plastic Waste into Sustainable Business Opportunity

About BluePoint

BluePoint is a project focused on reducing marine plastic pollution using new, sustainable methods.

Our aim is to create a network that includes both national and international partners to promote collaboration and create new business opportunities. We plan to develop a marine plastic scalable circular economy model in the Atlantic region. We hope to lessen the environmental impact of marine plastic pollution, open up new business opportunities, and support the growth of over 25 companies toward a sustainable, circular economy.

The Problem

The world's oceans currently hold over 140 million tons of waste, with about 12.5 million tons added each year. The McArthur Foundation predicts that by 2030, this annual amount will rise to nearly 30 million tons. Over 80% of this waste is plastic, which is spread throughout different levels of the sea. If this trend continues, it is projected that by 2050, there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans

BluePoint's Objectives

The technology research from WP1 will lead to the development of technology pilots in WP4. These pilots will then receive support in WP5 to speed up the creation of actual marketable solutions.

From the potential business opportunities identified in the marine plastic value chain in WP2, a selection will be made in WP5. These selected opportunities will receive support to help speed up their development, including design of marketable products, market analysis, and business model exploitation.

It is expected that WP4 and WP5 will result in the creation of real marketable solutions within the marine plastic value chain and the establishment of new companies or start-ups. These entities will focus on the marine plastic value chain and continue their activities after the project ends.

Work Packages

WP1: 01/11/23 - 21/12/24

To focus on researching the latest innovations and advancements in technologies for detecting, collecting, sorting, and valorizing marine plastics. Linked with WP 3 & 4,

which involve pilot activities and policy recommendations.

WP2: 01/11/23 - 21/12/24

To identify SMEs and key players in marine plastic waste recovery and valorization, along with funding sources and support agencies to aid their development.

WP3: 01/7/24 - 31/5/26

To develop the BluePoint concept, in different AA regions, and engage with the value chain, citizens and policy makers for a better cooperation of marine plastic


WP4: 01/7/24 - 31/5/26

To validate 5 pilot cases representing various stages of marine plastic value chain. Innovative and integrated approach aims to develop new value chain & circular

economy business models.

WP5: 01/7/24 - 31/5/26

To demonstrate the viability of new business ideas in the marine plastic sector and to help entrepreneurs and existing businesses enhance their operations through

targeted professional training.

WP6: 01/7/24 - 31/5/26

To transfer to other entities and public bodies of the AA & outside, the main outputs of the project. 1) Technical solutions for the marine plastic mitigation, 2) how to boost new marine plastic business models and policy recommendations.

If you have a business or an idea that would be a good fit for the BluePoint project, please email

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